Bei einem Besuch in der Kirche von South Central besucht er die "African-American community". Gerne beantwortet er Fragen aus dem Publikum:
When the riots went down four years ago you promised us federal funding to rebuild. What happened?
What happened was we all knew that was gonna be big news so we all came down here Bush, Clinton, Wilson got our pictures taken, told you what you wanted to hear and we pretty much forgot about it.
We can´t get health insurance, fire insurance, life insurance. Why haven´t you come out for Senate Bill 2720?
Because you haven´t contributed any money to my campaign. - You know how much insurance companies come up with? They depend on me to get a bill like that and bottle it up in committee during an election and then we can kill it when you´re not looking. When you say "by the book", what book would that be?
So the Democrats don´t care about us?
Isn´t that obvious? Half your kids are out of work and the other half are in jail. Do you see any Democrat doing anything about it? Certainly not me. What are you going to do, vote Republican? Come on. You´re not gonna vote Republican. Let´s call a spade a spade. I mean, you can have a Billion Man March. If you don´t put down that malt liquor and stop backing a running back who stabs his wife you´re never gonna get rid of somebody like me.

Do you think those of us in the entertainment business need government help in determining limits on the amount of sex and violence in today´s films and television programs?
You know, the funny thing is how, uh Iousy most of your stuff is. You make violent films and dirty films and you make family films but most of ´em are not very good, are they? It´s funny that so many smart people could work so hard and spend all that money and make so much money on ´em. What do you think it is? It must be the money, huh? It turns everything to crap. But how much money do you guys really need? I mean you be honest with me, and don´t spare my feelings.
Do you think it´s advisable to schedule campaign stops with industry leaders when you have such a low opinion of their product?Sein Wahlkampfhelfer ist etwas irritiert und fasst zusammen:
My guys are not stupid. They always put the big Jews on my schedule. You´re mostly Jews here, right? Three out of four anyway. (...) I bet Murphy put something bad about Farrakhan in here for you.
l´m concerned that you told 300 people in a black church they wouldn´t be a factor as long as we´re controlled by insurance. l´m concerned you went to a Beverly Hills fund-raiser and told people in entertainment their product is lousy. And, since many of them are Jewish you thought it prudent to mock their Jewish paranoia. l´m concerned we´re in a club in Compton before the most important campaign swing. God knows what illegal activity is taking place and you´re smoking marijuana! I work for you. You call the shots but I can do my job much better if you just tell me what is this new strategy?Deshalb ist Politik und political correctness nicht wirklich was für mich.