Sonntag, 30. März 2008

importierte Müllkinder

Es sind Zeitbomben. Es sind nicht die Kinder von irgendwem. Es sind mit medialem Müll gefütterte Kinder der Schweizer Unterschicht. Der mehrheitlich eingewanderten, der mehrheitlich importierten Unterschicht.
Rico Czerwinski im Magazin 13, 2008, Seite 22 zu den drei jugendlichen Mördern von Damiano Tamagni in Locarno.
Oder wie es in American History X erklärt wird. Die Szene, in welcher Derek zum Tod seines Vaters vor den TV-Kameras Stellung nimmt.
Derek, if you could come down here please for a second. Look, I know this is tough, but how do you feel right now?

How do you think l feel? I think it's typical.

Typical how?

Well,this country's becoming a haven for criminals. So what do you expect? Decent hard-working Americans like my dad are getting rubbed out by social parasites.


Blacks, browns, yellow, whatever.

I don't understand. You think maybe yourfather's murderwas race-related?

Yeah, it's race-related. Every problem in this country is race-related.

Not just crime. It's immigration, AIDS, welfare. Those are problems of the black community, the Hispanic community, the Asian community. They're not white problems.

Aren't those really issues that deal more with poverty?

No. They're not products of their environments. Minorities don't give two shits about this country. They come here to exploit it, not to embrace it. Millions of white Europeans came here and flourished within a generation. What the fuck is the matter with these people? They have to go around shooting at firemen.

What does this have to do with the murder of your father?

Because my fatherwas murdered doing his job! Putting out afire in a fucking nigger neighbourhood he shouldn't have given a shit about. He got shot by a fucking drug dealer who probably still collects a welfare cheque.
Um mich noch vom generalisierenden Rassismus zu differenzieren: Es ist heute nicht mehr zulässig (ARG) und auch nicht mehr sinnvoll, von Rassen zu sprechen. Wir leben in einem Multikulti-Mix. Weiter darf man nicht eine ganze Gruppe in denselben Topf werfen. Es gibt immer Ausnahmen. Interessant ist allerdings die vergleichende Häufigkeit...

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